While exercise alone will produce a wide variety of physical & mental benefits one of the keys to unlocking the most impressive results is nutrition.

Eating healthily and providing your body with the right nutrients for your goals can feel complicated and confusing…

As a Nutrition Advisor, not only do I ensure that your diet works to help you achieve your goals, but I also look to simplify the process and remove the confusion, making it possible to adopt healthy principles as a maintainable lifestyle.

To make your results last, your strategy must be not only effective, but SUSTAINABLE too!

Your Plan is flexible & tailored to suit you… working in conjunction with your everyday life, instead of running it! This is achieved by schooling you to make habitual changes, so that over time, you change the way about how you shop, plan meals and gain the confidence to make sensible choices.

You will notice that I never use the word ‘DIET’, as this immediately suggests restriction, which is not what is going to happen on the plan.

This means that…..

  • You continue to eat your favourite foods
  • You continue to enjoy your social life
  • You start to understand the principals of fueling your body
  • You see the results that you have worked for!!

Nutrition can be very simple.

Your results reflect your most consistent habits… long-term results therefore require a change in mindset and a change in habits.
Nutrition advice is therefore not just limited to knowing what to eat, but also addresses the influence of your lifestyle and psychology on your choices.

Again, making positive changes to your diet is relatively simple… Integrating those changes into your existing lifestyle and forming long-term habits is the real key!

Relapses do happen… but with my support, there is more chance that you remain consistent and achieve your results as efficiently as possible.

The link between diet and health is well documented.

Obesity, the risk of various cancers, heart disease, diabetes etc. have long been linked with poor dietary habits.

Making improvements to your own diet is one of the most powerful things you can do to protect your own health and wellbeing!

Nutrition is about so much more than simply “looking better”…

What we eat has a profound impact on how we feel physically & mentally. There could be noticeable improvements in, but not limited to…..

  • Energy levels
  • Self-confidence
  • Symptoms of anxiety & depression
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved digestive health
  • Appetite & cravings
  • Reduced risk (and less worrying about) multiple diseases

Contact me for an initial discussion on how I can help you, with special introductory rates for all new clients & plans. Don’t forget we also do online coaching!

01425 547104‬
07793 213960‬